Amalgam cell technology

We offer the most updated technology to reduce power consumption and mercury emissions


De Nora with 75% mercury coating market share is the industry leader in technology and efforts to keep the mercury process competitive with:

  • Energy Saving Program  to reach the technological limit of the anode (KfCu/Hg 0.045 – 0.050 depending on cell size).
  • Project Mercury Zero reducing environmental impact due to mercury cellrooms emissions and improve cellroom safety

Energy Saving Program (ESP)

Represents the most updated mercury technology improvement concerning both power saving and safety cell working conditions.

This solution is based on a new technological package including the new higher performing SLM® anode and all the ancillary equipment necessary to get the best operating results (technological limit of the anode KfCu/Hg 0,045 - 0,050 depending on cell size).


ESP package is therefore including following items

  • SLM® anode
  • New anode supporting single-line sub-frames
  • New ACPD

Project Mercury Zero

This program has been designed to reduce mercury emissions into the environment by the adoption of new materials for the cell components designed to increase life and reduce maintenance activity. 

It is performed designing long-life components with minimum mercury pick-up and based on technology and procedures that limit the number of times a cell must be opened for maintenance. This reduce mercury emissions when a cell must be opened.

This solution includes:

  1. Ecological package — new components designed with advanced engineering  and alternative materials to minimize cell openings for cleaning and ordinary maintenance: inlet and outlet end-boxes, sidewalls, caustic vessel                                                                         
  2. Process effluent demercurization treatment
  • solid (sludge; waste graphite and carbon)
  • liquid (waste water; caustic)
  • gas (hydrogen; vent air)